There are two ways one can become a prisoner of proper sofa: either by sitting on it too much of the time and being unable to move and to do anything else, or by obsessively cleaning it after all other family and household member’s have been using it. If you happen to be reading this post most probably you fit into the second category where you clean, clean, clean and still see no results. Well if you fit the description then you definitely have a problem, in fact you may even have couple of them, first with cleaning your sofa and then even maybe with your family’s attitude. We might be able to help you out with your sofa issue.
First thing that will have great impact on the way your sofa is, is the way you use the same. So unless you wish for your sofa to be covered in various pasta sauces make some limits with reference what kind of meals are allowed in front of the TV and which are not. It makes no point to forbid all sorts of food and go Nazi on your family members with reference to this, since everyone enjoys a good snack in front of the TV; however there is definitely a big difference between popcorns and pasta.
Small cleaning routines make big difference
Second thing you should try to make is establishing small cleaning habits and sofa cleaning routines like for example vacuuming dirt, crumbs, debris, pet hair and similar with your home vacuum cleaner. Also very important cleaning factor is reacting immediately to spotting. Concluding all this with occasional visit of professional sofa cleaning service provider will be enough for great looking sofa.